Grass roots effort to improve military focused healthcare.

Bahia Health
Specialized behavioral health services tailored to the unique needs of active-duty military personnel, their dependents, and veterans. Our team of clinicians comes with a wealth of experience and relevant backgrounds, including military service and expertise in trauma-related mental health issues. Our comprehensive approach ensures personalized, evidence-based care designed to address the specific challenges and stressors associated with military life and service.

Our commitment to you.

Partners in Health

Dr. Zaragoza – Navy Psychiatrist and Dr. Hodges Coronado psychologist (focused on providing care to military families, sailors, submariners , special forces, aviation, and marines) recognized the gaps in care for the military community. To address the gaps, they were inspired to create Bahia Health a military focused clinic. In the development of Bahia Health, we set out to understand and clarify military and military family needs. We identified the unique aspects of military life e.g. deployment, medical board process, limited duty, medication restrictions, exceptional family needs and requirements for specialized communities (special forces, aviation) and integrated within our healthcare approach. This integration facilitates communication and improved health outcomes for individuals and the military.